Stigma and HIV. It’s something both clinicians and the patients they treat have been hearing a lot more frequently.
In this issue of eHIV Review, David Pantalone, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Massachusetts Boston, dissects the concept of HIV-related stigma, breaking it down to its component parts to provide a deeper understanding of the hurt stigma inflicts on PLWH. And as importantly, describes what’s been done, what’s being done, and what needs to be done to defeat this widespread barrier to improved patient care.
Describe the psychological consequences of stressors and stigma in individuals living with HIV.
Discuss the challenges in developing successful stigma reduction interventions in individuals living with HIV.
Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston
Affiliated Investigator, The Fenway Institute, Fenway Health
Boston, MA
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Psychology
University of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences
Division of Infectious Diseases
Division of Clinical Pharmacology
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland
Assistant Professor
HIV, ID, and Global Medicine
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, California
Nurse Educator
Boston Medical Center
Boston, MA
1.0 hour Physicians
1.0 contact hour Nurses
Launch date: December 19, 2023
Expiration date: December 18, 2025