Avoiding hypoglycemia, recognizing cognitive dysfunction, and individualizing treatment to account for renal insufficiency, cardiovascular disease and other comorbidities — these are just some of the factors that impact treatment decision-making for older adults with type 2 diabetes.
In this issue, Dr. Amisha Wallia (Feinberg School of Medicine) and Dr. Susan Karam (Ochsner Medical Center) take us to the exam room to translate the information from their recent Newsletter Issue into real-world clinical practice.
Department of Endocrinology
Ochsner Health System
Jefferson, LA
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Northwestern Medicine
Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, IL
Assistant Professor
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Director, Inpatient Medicine
Family Medicine Residency Program
Medstar Franklin Square Hospital
Baltimore, MD
Eugene Meyer III Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine
Director, AIDS Psychiatry Services
Co-Director, Chronic Pain Treatment Program
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
0.5 hour Physicians
Launch date: August 17, 2019
Expiration date: August 16, 2021