Volume 9, Issue 1

Depression in Families with CF

In this issue:

Anxiety and depression are impactful conditions that affect patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). They are equally, and as importantly, burdensome on their parents and caregivers. The problem is widespread. The result is poorer quality of life, higher health care costs, and increased morbidity and mortality.
In this issue, Dr. Anna Georgiopoulos, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, analyzes the current data describing the impact of depression and anxiety on individuals and families living with CF, screening to identify these people, and the effect of targeted interventions to address the problem. 

Learning objectives:

  • Describe the impact of depression and anxiety on individuals and families living with CF. 
  • Summarize appropriately targeted interventions to follow up depression and anxiety screenings.


Anna Georgiopoulos, MD
Anna Georgiopoulos, MD

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Part-Time
Harvard Medical School
Consulting Psychiatrist
Massachusetts General Hospital Cystic Fibrosis Program
Boston, Massachusetts

Program Directors:

Noah Lechtzin, MD, MHA

Director, Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program
Associate Professor of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD

Peter J. Mogayzel, Jr., MD, PhD, MBA

Menowitz/Rosenstein Professor of Pediatric Respiratory Sciences
Director, Eudowood Division of Pediatric Respiratory Sciences
Director, Cystic Fibrosis Center
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD 

Donna Peeler, RN, BSN

Senior Clinical Nurse/Case Manager
Pediatric CF Program Coordinator
Johns Hopkins Cystic Fibrosis Center
Baltimore, MD

Length of activity:

1.0 hour Physicians
1.0 contact hour Nurses

Launch date: May 5, 2020
Expiration date: May 4, 2022