Volume 4, Issue 3

Contemporary ART and Metabolic Effects

In this issue:

Large epidemiological studies have demonstrated that people with HIV carry an increasing burden of metabolic comorbidities. Older antiretroviral therapy has been associated with many of these comorbidities, and as the HIV population ages, the risk for metabolic comorbidities increases. Studies that specifically explore the metabolic effects of contemporary antiretroviral therapy are needed. 

In this issue, Dr. Suman Srinivasa and nurse practitioner Kathleen Fitch from Harvard Medical School review key studies evaluating the effects of contemporary antiretroviral therapy on the metabolic complications common in people with HIV, including bone disease, cardiovascular disease, weight gain, and liver disease. 

Learning objectives:

  • Identify potential metabolic complications among individuals with chronic HIV infection. 
  • Describe managing metabolic complications in the setting of contemporary antiretroviral therapies.
  • Summarize sex-specific differences in metabolic complications following ART initiation.


Suman Srinivasa, MD
Suman Srinivasa, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

Kathleen V. Fitch, MSN
Kathleen V. Fitch, MSN
Associate Principal in Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

Program Directors:

Allison L. Agwu, MD, ScM, FAAP, FIDSA

Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Adult Infectious Diseases
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland

Alysse G. Wurcel, MD, MS

Assistant Professor
Division of Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases
Tufts Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts

Justin Alves, RN, FNP-BC, ACRN, CARN, CNE

Nurse Educator
Boston Medical Center
Boston, MA

Length of activity:

1.0 hour Physicians
1.0 contact hour Nurses

Launch date: October 26, 2018
Expiration date: October 25, 2020