Volume 3, Issue 5

Fall 2020: New Advances in MS Medications

In this issue:

Continuing research has been changing the approach to MS therapy. The treatment goal has become remission. The variety of effective oral, injectable, and infusible medications has been increasing annually. But which drug regimens have fulfilled their initial promise and which have failed? By what criteria should clinicians determine which agents to recommend to each of their patients? What do the data say and what do the experts advise? 

Those are some of the questions Dr. Erin Longbrake, Assistant Professor of Neurology and Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Fellowship Program at Yale University, addresses in this newsletter issue of eMultipleSclerosis Review. 

Learning objectives:

  • Assess the efficacy and safety of new and emerging MS medications and evaluate their role in relapsing and progressive MS treatment. 
  • Discuss outcomes of the clinical trials of drugs in development for MS. 


Erin Longbrake, MD, PhD
Erin Longbrake, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurology 
Director, Multiple Sclerosis Fellowship Program  
Yale University 
New Haven, Connecticut

Program Directors:

Michael Kornberg, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD

Pavan Bhargava, MBBS, MD

Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD

Lisa Fox, PA-C, MPAS

Department of Neurology
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, MD

Length of activity:

1.0 hour Physicians
1.0 contact hour Nurses

Launch date: September 23, 2020
Expiration date: September 22, 2022